About me
Kia Ora and Welcome!

My name is Del
I am a paper artist from New Zealand. I have worked as a scrapbooking teacher for over 20 years, teaching special techniques to arrange, embellish and preserve memories in a beautiful way for future generations to cherish.
I have recently rediscovered my passion for Cardmaking and have set up this online shop to sell handmade greeting cards that are unique and personalised.
In my shop, you will find greeting cards made by me from my home studio in New Zealand, and a range of cardmaking supplies I create along the way. There are embellishments and ready-made items for you to create your own cards at home too!
There are some greeting cards in te Reo Māori, as my way of supporting te Reo Māori to grow strong as a working living language.
If you wish to get in touch, you can email me at hello@delcards.co.nz or send me a note in the contact form page here.
Thank you for coming. I hope you enjoy your visit.
Ngā mihi